Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Allergy friendly skin care

I wanted to make my own body lotion for quite awhile before I found the right recipe. I'm pretty lazy (or have very little time to mess with things like this...), so I had quite a few specifics that said recipe had to meet. It couldn't have shea butter (people with tree nut allergies often react to it), it needed to be the right consistency(not completely harden like the first recipe I tried, or be too watery and separate like others) or leave that oily layer. Most of all, it needed to be fast, not too touchy and have consistent results. This one, with just a little tweaking, finally fit the bill. Most ingredients are ones already in my pantry and the others are simple and easy to find at any health food store, or if you're like me, ordered and delivered to my doorstep from any number of sites or sellers on ebay. On top of that, you'll pay about what you pay for generic lotion in the store. We all use it -- the boys use it on their faces and lips and eczema and it does amazing. The best compliment I ever got was at a facial where they do your throat and chest as well. The aesthetician told me I had remarkably soft skin and asked what I used. I was pretty proud of my lotion! : ) When I first started making it, I just saved some old lotion pump bottles and when it cools, but before it's totally set up, I use a funnel and pour it into those. Otherwise little boys tend to use wayyyyyyyy more than they need!

I'm also including the sugar scrub I use. I use it on my body and often, unless it's really dry (which happens in Wyoming), don't need to even use lotion. I had to play around in the kitchen to even figure out exactly what the ratio of sugar to oil that I use is -- usually I just stop by the kitchen and dump some sugar and oil in a container on my way to the shower. The sugar exfoliates as it dissolves and the oil soaks into your skin. two notes : make sure you pat and not rub it dry or you'll wipe the oil off and watch your step -- showers do get slippery with any type of product, but particularly oil based. I also use this on my face with great results. Olive oil is one of the few oils that won't clog your skin and cause breakouts. The sugar can be a little harsh it you have sensitive skin. Just add a bit of warm water to your hands to dissolve it until you get your own personalized ratio.

Sugar Scrub

1 c sugar

¼ c olive oil or oil of choice

Optional: 4-5 drops essential oils

Mix well to combine. Store in sealed container. Rub into skin at end of warm shower until grains dissolve. Rinse off and pat dry.

Homemade lotion

1 ¼ c distilled water

¼ c emulsifying wax

1/4 c choice of oils (I use mostly olive oil with a tablespoon or so coconut oil)

2 T cocoa butter

24-36 drops essential oils (I use several drops Vitamin E and Avocado Oil and add a ½ tsp vanilla extract)

Heat water in microwave until very hot. Combine remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Add hot water and whick til smooth and creamy. Let cool slightly, stirring periodically. If lotion thickens more than desired, simply add water ¼ at a time, mixing well with each addition until desired thickness. If using Vitamin E, let cool slightly before adding. Keeps about 3 weeks. This is pretty rich -- a little goes a long ways!

Energizing Apricot Mask

½ c dried apricots

½ c warm water

1 T honey

Place in blender and process until smooth. Spread over face. Let set 15 min. Rinse skin well with warm water.

Moisturizing Avocado Mask

½ avocado, mashed

1 tsp honey

Mix til smooth. Spread over face and leave on 15 min. Rinse well with warm water.