Saturday, January 12, 2013

Indian Lentil Stew

My hubbie came home with this recipe...we tweaked it a little for our tastes (what do you get when a Scandinavian tweaks an Indian recipe?  I don't know, but it sounded like the start of a bad joke...).  2 of the kids loved it.  2 of them hated it.  The adults loved it.  But, on any given day that's how pretty much any meal goes!  Serve with Naan or warm pita bread.

Indian Lentil Stew

2 onions, finely chopped
1 leek, finely chopped (or 1 stalk celery)
4 carrots, chopped
2 peeled and diced sweet potatoes (about 2 smallish-medium ones or 1 large)
2 garlic cloves, pressed
1 or 2 tsp ground chipotle pepper (mild) to 4 tsp (hot)
1 or 2 tsp ground cumin (mild) to 4 tsp (hot)
3-4 tsp ground coriander
Water or broth (about 4-6 c)
2 c red lentils (we used black since that's what we had on hand...)
1 T coconut oil
6 T coconut cream (skimmed off the top of canned coconut milk -- optional)
a couple handfuls kale or spinach, chopped (optional)
chopped or shredded cooked chicken (optional)

In large pot over high heat melt coconut oil.  Add chopped onions, stirring constantly until caramelized.  Reduce heat to medium-low and add 4 c water, carrots, sweet potatoes, garlic, spices and lentils.  Simmer until lentils are soft, adding additional water or broth as needed.  Stew should be fairly thick, but more fluid can be added as desired until desired consistency.  When lentils are cooked to al dente, add kale or spinach, coconut cream and chicken (all optional).  Simmer about 5 min or until greens are cooked.  Serve with warm naan or pita bread.

Note: "hot" option is hot, mild option is suitable for kids who don't mind a little spice.

Hurry-up version: pre-steam diced carrots and sweet potatoes.  Boil lentils to al dente in advance or in a seperate pot as you are chopping and cooking the other veggies.  Combine everything after onions are caramelized and water or broth is added and simmer 20 min.