Monday, June 2, 2014

Kids Earn Electronics Point system/Chart

Thought I would share our new "earn your electronics time" for the summer system.  After a week off school I was already tired of the arguing and the "I can't think of anything to do" (code for: I want to play something with a screen).  So.  This is our new earn as much time as you want, up to 2 hours worth.  One of the issues we had run into before is that one boy, in particular, would quickly complete his chores while the others dawdled.  So "no electronics til the house is clean" just meant he would do twice the work of other siblings to get it done.  I wanted something that was more "fair" - if he wants to do more, he gets rewarded for it.  If you don't want to do anything, fine.  It might take you a week to collect enough points.  I kept it simple - printed this off and hung it on the bulletin board.  I made notecards with the points (10-100) on them and hung them below). They do it all on their own - collect their cards whenever they do a job and turn them into me to be allowed to set the timer so I can look at the jobs they did. My house is brilliantly clean and everyone has voluntarily done jobs they never thought of doing before. Note that things I'd like to see them do more of (read, practice music, write letters) are worth a lot of points. These jobs are on top of their normal chores with the exception of a few that they are required to do (like piano) but attitude sometimes gets in the way of.  Yesterday the inside of my windows got cleaned, the microwave got scrubbed, the chairs and stools were wiped down, siblings were helped, they read for an hour straight, etc all VOLUNTARILY and without complaint.  I win.  P.S Their fast/head math skills as getting pretty good too…hahahahahahaha 

Write a nice letter to someone in the family = 50 points
Write a nice letter to your penpal or that you need to send = 50 points 
20 min reading = 50 points
20 min Bible reading = 100 points
20 min drawing/coloring = 50 points
Play a board/cardgame with a sibling = 50 points
Help a sibling with a job or piano/homework = 25 points
Help with dinner or a meal = 25 points
Pick up entryways = 25 points
Wipe down the baseboards/door = 50 points per room
Wipe down the lower section of the walls (as high as you can reach) = 100 per room
Make sure stairs and hallway are clean = 25 points
1 load of laundry washed, folded and put away = 100 points
Organize your drawers = 25 points per drawer
Empty dishwasher = 50 points
Load dishwasher = 50 points
Clean and wash off tables = 25 points
Clean and wash off counters = 25 points
Wash chairs = 25 pts a chair, 10 pts a stool, 50 pts each for leather furniture (use baby wipes)
Clean microwave = 25 points
Take out garbage and put in new bag = 25 points
Sweep wood floors = 50 points
Sweep tile and vacuum rugs = 50 points
Clean living room and big room = 50 points
Practice piano/music = 50 points per 15 min
Wash a window = 10 points a window
Clean a pet cage/dishes = 25 points a cage
Clean the car - trash and picked up = 50 points
Vacuum the car = 100 points
Weed a flowerbed/shovel snow/sweep driveway = 100 points a piece

200 points = 20 min electronics time (Isaac, Luke, Andrew - ages 8-12)
100 points = 20 min electronics time (Ben - the 5 year old)