Thursday, July 11, 2019

Keto Low Carb Pizza Crust (Dairy Free, Almond Flour Free) 

I’ve eaten keto with an emphasis on veggies for health issues for 2 years now. It has dropped my inflammation and helped my food allergies and sensitivities to the point that I can now periodically add in a little dairy (because, well, cheese…). But, I LOVE pizza. Like, not just normal love, but like LOVE. And I’m sorry. I’ve tried them all and, don’t get me wrong, there are some good fax pizza crusts out there, but they’re just that…pizza crust substitutes. 

And, to add insult to injury, most have a base of dairy which means that I have to make a choice…dairy in my crust, or cheesy gooey goodness on top? It’s a no brainer, right? AND, once you pass all those hurdles you rarely can eat a real slice and have it hold up. AND half of them are so time intensive that I pretty much gave up, because, well, lazy (and 5 kids on specialty diets so it’s like a 4th type of specialty crust I have to make). 

Yes. I am holding that piece of pizza without it breaking. And I ate the whole thing. And it was good. 

After a long search for a dairy free option, almond free option (also allergic to almonds), I finally came across an idea that I thought might be adaptable. I’m currently eating pizza. REAL honest to goodness, no need for a plate, eat by hand chewy pizza with cheese on top. No almonds in sight. It’s making me a little giddy with possibilities for this dough. Not going to lie, cinnamon rolls are totally up next! If you’re completely dairy free, I can tell you avocado slices make a really great “cheese” on pizza - there’s a creaminess when they’re baked that is definitely better than nothing. 
This is my second go to make sure the first wasn’t a fluke…it wasn’t ya’ll. The first time it was so good that my 17 year old teen came home, got what he thought was just regular left over and ATE IT without being able to tell it was “mom’s weird pizza”. I came out when he was halfway through and too0k my pizza back. It’s.that.good. 

1 1/4 c coconut flour
1/4 cup psyllium husk powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 T olive oil
2 eggs plus enough warm water to equal 2 cups

1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp garlic
Pinch red pepper flakes

Optional garnish:
Additional sea salt

In liquid measuring cup mix eggs and enough water to equal 2 cups. Add olive oil. In separate bowl combine remaining ingredients. Stir to combine. Add liquid ingredients and mix until bowl cleans and becomes difficult to stir. Knead until a ball is formed. Allow to set for 5-10 to set structure. Roll out on parchment paper to desired size/thickness. Watch your edges and form back together if they split. This was flexible enough dough for me to move a 10 inch crust from the counter to a pan without parchment paper! Bake at 400 for 10 min. Top with desired toppings and return to oven for 10-15 min depending on desired level of browning. Garnish with additional oregano and sea salt. I make 2- 10 inch crusts