Thursday, October 11, 2012

On being stuck

I was struck yesterday by Esther's response to us packing up. I wish I had grabbed a camera because she painted a very poignant picture of what is far too often OUR response to growth and change. Imagine a tiny little toddler, dressed in her coat and hat, standing alone against the wall, both tiny hands curled into fists and sucking her thumbs with huge, serious eyes. In her short life she has not known stability, not had security. For her, it was natural to say, "listen guys. I've only been here a few days. But I had fun. There is all the food I want to eat, all the diaper changes I want, clean, soft clothes, a soft bed, laughing, fun and attention I've never had. I ain't going anywhere!" There is just no way to explain to a 2 year old that yes, this is good. But we have BETTER in store for her. Yes, this was comfortable,, but we are headed for BETTER. How many times in my Christian walk am I that little girl? How many times do I stand worried in the corner wanting to stay where I'm comfortable while God is saying, "Yes, it might be scary, but I have BETTER prepared for you!". I think we use comfort as a crutch far too often - "I'm just who God made me", "I'm not a patient person", "God knows I just can't do this". I know I've used and heard more "God, I'm comfortable where/with who I am, so I think I'll get off the bus and camp here..." excuses than I even want to admit. The truth is, God has promised we are a new creation - He is in the business of making us MORE than who we are and bringing us places we never thought we could go. God is in the business of MORE and BETTER, if we just take our thumbs out of our mouths and let Him pack us up and go!

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